Net binnen: het BIPT heeft een aantal maatregelen genomen waardoor het niet langer onwettig is om een fm-transmitter op uw IPOD te installeren zodanig dat je je autoradio erop kan afstemmen... Dit was dus regelrecht illegaal!!! en nu niet meer. voor de geïnteresseerden, op 88,5 FM kan je in Brussel nog rustig zenden, enkel wat storing in de buurt van het Madou-plein, maar voor de rest picobello ontvangst...
P.S. Het BIPT zou er beter iets aan doen om de ontvangst van radio's in de Brusselse tunnels te verbeteren, of in elk geval de verkeersinformatie wat beter te laten doorstromen. (Enfin, die zou eigenlijk beter ook eens deftig geregulariseerd moeten worden...maar dat is stof voor een volgend artikel)
I thank you for challenging me
M.Manson gets "challenged" in this Fox news story. Quite interesting video interview of a shock artist getting his morals questioned by modern-day crusaders
Dialects, Languages...dialectics
One of the tests people use to differentiate "language" from "dialect" is
mutual intelligibility. You can say that people speak the same language -- or a
dialect of the same language -- if they understand each other. If they don't
understand one another, they must be speaking different languages. That seems
like a good rule. So why, in a case like the Cologne and Bavarian dialects,
which aren't mutually intelligible, don't the Germans call them separate
languages? Or why are Swedish and Norwegian separate languages, when Swedes and
Norwegians have no trouble understanding one another? It's really pretty
confusing.source: The 5minute Linguist
(B)rain man
Meet Daniel Tammet, a 27 year-old math and memory wizard. He can do things
with numbers that will truly amaze you. He is a savant. . . with a difference.
Unlike most savants, he shows no obvious mental disability, and most
importantly, he can describe his own thought process.
The Canary Database: animals as sentinels against biohazards

Can animals - like canaries in coal mines - warn humans about chemical, infectious, and physical environmental hazards? Find out more on the Canary Database - a joint undertaking by Yale and the USGS.
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