
for those of you who haven't been in the loop...

there is a young landscape architect in Brussels called
Erik Dhont: his site is supposed to be up and running by now,
go check, you might find it amazing, after all he's a great inspiration for "Moving hedges"

I've known this guy for about 10 years, saw him evolve from a starting, insecure and hesitating artist, to a conceptual master of the zen-like capacities that are required to engage in the most difficult of arts: restauring nature to itself.

that's after all what we all admire right: true nature. And since there are no more virgin forests in our immediate surroundings, we try to recreate something of the wild we all crave for.

we have a little bonzai tree here, nice to look at, but the surroundings are tough: airco kills the plants, and spreads diseases.
For the last 2 weeks i've been running around with a full-blown infection, viruslike because it's so absolutely contagious and strong.
Virusses rule the world, don't let yourself be led to believe that we humans are the strongest: it's the cockroaches, the virusses, the flies and the rats that dominate this planet...

salute, hasta pronto, and expect a major update this weekend