
Quote of the day
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
(Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 1872-1970)

A fire drill in the office is always an excellent opportunity to meet some co-workers! And to discover the bowels of the building you work in. and to exercise by walking back up stairs. Imagine hundreds of knowledge workers standing patiently in line in front of 2 elevators...

While standing outside we could hear the excitement from a small group of Red Hot Chili Peppers fans, waiting at the back-entrance of the Olympia Hall, which is right next door to one of our exits. These guys almost riotted when they saw the tour-bus approaching... Fighting like braves...

World Cup frenzy: the kitchen staff is running around in Jap-Korean T-shirts, serving as fast as they can. "Oui j'aimerais bien me couper dans les doigts, comme ça j'aurais au moins quelques semaines pour regarder la France...." - et la France, elle perd évidemment son premier match contre le Sénégal! Le comble.

It seems that Roland Garros and the World Cup are more important than the upcoming legislative elections.

Panem et circenses all over again