
Links for this week:

Whoah: the Summum of Desinformation & the true Hero of Gulf War II

A new Kind of Science, does it make kinder science? Stephen Wolfram: very controversial but unique approaches to the mysteries that surround us.

You don't need eyes to see, you need vision: counting down, 16 days to go to release of Matrix Revolutions Worldwide, will also open Cannes. Paris is full of advertising for one of the most expected movies of modern filmmaking. It's amazing to see huge and mysterious posters all over the buses and metro-entrances....

Tomorrow is May 1st; a major holiday in France: tradition wants you to get out of your bed and by "Muguets", small beautiful flowers. You'd think it's some sort of ancient tradition honoring spring and female beauty...

You're mistaken: invented by the Communist party to finance its ever-deepening deficits, it's now the crooks, the drunks, the beggars, bastards and illegal scoundrels of this society who will try to rip you off...