
Intelligent Frontier: the new tactics of the Department of Homeland Security:
starting 2004, all foreigners, including Europeans, will have to submit fingerprints when entering US Soil, states the newest rule of the Department of Homeland Security.
Big Brother, Matrix, Police State: you wanted it - you got it...

As a countermeasure, alle EU countries should retaliate by declaring access to Americans, subject to stringent VISA-application procedures:
blood samples, testing for GMO's, a thorough mulitple-choice examination of "euro-survival-fitness":

E.G. (and see post from yesterday)
Where is Brussels,
1. It's Jean-Claude's dog
2. It's somewhere in the European desert of the real where "l'exception culturelle" still reigns
3. It's a myth, a spook story, a mystery wrapped inside an enigma. The CIA did not shoot Kennedy, it was Fidel who ordered it all
4. No, I have no Muslim forefathers
5. Brussels is a country, to the North of the Netherlands, to the East of Germany, and to the south of France, it is bordered by Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, North Korea and Libya. It's a rogue state where peaceful and democratic generals are prosecuted in accordance with obscure international treaties that the USA does not ratify and that are in contempt of our righteous right to pursue our happiness. We will nuke 'em all, because they've been threatening us for too long now with Bio-Chem weapons disguised as Brussels Sprouts.
6. It's the capital of such obsolete and vetuste institutions as the European Commission (on what?), NATO, the Belgian Federal Parliament, the Flemish regional Parliament, the Brussels Regional Parliament, and the 19 independant guerillero urban communities that refuse to sign cooperation agreements. In fact, if you cross into Brussels territory, you will encounter (but not exclusively) rabiate spleen and "mal de vivre", surrealistic laws and wide-spread corruption
7. All of the above
8. Refuse to answer stating that you'd rather go to Sh*tville, Arkansas than travel abroad on foreign airplanes infested with AIDS, SARS, EBOLA and knife-toting terrorists. Enough is enough, remember 9/11. Eat Freedom Fries...