the fight against spam continues, and so we'll post some juicy details to this mofo... See hows he reacts.
Spam him back on
Extracts: "sooo tired of these same old frases, who falls for this nowadays?"
I need your strong assurance that you will never let usdown, me and a key
bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business. I guarantee that
this transactionwill be executed under a legitimatearrangement that will protect
you from any breach of thelaw. I will destroy all documents of
transactionimmediately we receive this money leaving no trace to anyplace.
Read an article in Wired on the weakness of the internet/communications networks & infrastructure. Freightened by the rogue states' intention to wage "asymetrical warfare" on us?
the answer is: we should start to bring some of these spammers to justice. And please note that your grandmother and her computer can do a lot more damage... by not securing their systems....
20% of online users has been scammed, average loss amounts to 1.000€.