The 7th World Social Forum is in full swing in Nairobi, Kenya. It is the first time this event is organised on the African Country. Over 50.000 participants have descended to Nairobi for a massive 1200-sessions programme that takes place in the Kasarani/Moi Sports Stadium to the North of the city. Over 21 themes will be debated by participants from more than 140 countries. The WSF, with its origins in the Battle for Seattle attempts to unite civil society representatives in a parallel event that takes place at the same time as the World Economic Forum in Davos: the objective- to propose Another World is Possible. Apart from the fact that much of the debate is off-axis and borderline-metaphysical, it is a quintessential showcase of poverty and struggles. Hosting the WSF in Africa is a brave decision, and although there is lots of complaining on logistical matters, it must be noted that overall this event illustrates the wide diversity of movements, opinions and brings to the world tribune the huge misery and inequalities faced by the larger part of the Earth's population. The local Kenyan population expresse high hopes that may be clouded by the lack of concrete action plans and high-level government commitment to the agenda of the WSF. Mobilizing public opinion and networking remains therefore the key objective. A photoreportage is available on http://www.flickr.com/photos/wacondah/