"What if a postcard could save a life? These cards may shock you, but they can make a difference. Send them to the government officials responsible for water supply and sanitation and let them know how important these issues are to you and your environment. Make a difference by creating the political will to end the tragedy of inadequate water supply and sanitation. Take a stand, send a card, save a life!"
Wacondah invites you to take a look at the WASH Campaign: Sign up, become a member and send your politicians postcards! 2008 is the international year of Sanitation: our collective aim should be to get politicians to really do something about shit!
Hurry up! 2.6 billion people want to use the toilet
Millions of women have to do it with an audience
1.2 billion people drink dirty water every day
Diarrhoea kills babies every day
Dirty water kills
In some countries women risk rape by collecting water