
Free Speech in Belgium

11.11.11. is suing Mr. Thierry Debels who has written a best-selling and insightful, yet critical book on the way Belgian development organisations work, raise money... campaign and then spend the remainings on real cooperation. Citing moral and economic prejudice, the leaders of the organisations bring Debels in front of the courts on May 22 2008 calling it "already proven" that Debels has damaged 11.11.11's reputation.

questions from our side:
- please please please let the courts decide...
- and then... let's have a DEMOCRATIC debate in Parliament, and not through the media
- while there is nothing against devcorp in general and 11.11.11 practices in particular, let's have an open discussion on how we want to fund development activities? and please, do not proclaim that NGO's are democratic and representative...
- as citizens we must call our governments to responsibility: there is a long-taken commitment to spend 0,7 % of GDP (dates from the seventies...): let us spend that money wisely through democratic and transparent channels that deliver results, for the poorest of the poor, and in areas where real differences can be made

Serentiy in the debate can only start by full disclosure and transparency: the cases cited by Debels in his book should be brought into the open, through parliamentary inquiries. Until further notice, free speech stands.