The Age of Panic
Een magische avond in het Pajottenland
Reading: A most wanted man - LeCarré
Viewing: 28 weeks Later
Listening to: Daan -Manhay
Thinking: Politicsareoverrated
Travelling: Paris tomorrow, Italy next week, Portugal in July, Stockholm in August, Seaside-Duinbergen in August
Last picture: God moving over the face of the Pajottenland prairies (see above)
Unethical investments: the case for buying stock in weapons manufacturers

War: check
Internal policing problems: check
Insecurity on the rise in Western Societies: check
Maffia on the rise: check (see Sicilian wind farms)
Pirates of the Somali coast line: check
Increased population pressure vs limited resources: double-check
"Steeds meer wapenbezit op school": check (DS, 2009(05-08)
"The need for non-lethal weapons is growing: effectivly stop a subject by pain, up until 100m...": check
Global growing insecurity: crashing stock, people loosing a fortune while some guys make a living out of it and...become targets...: check
Government laxness, democratic indecision: check
Growing war-mongering, destabilising regimes, unrest in former 'allied states': check
What the hell are we waiting for? Who could advise against investing in "non or less lethal weaponry"?
Unethical Investments
I was struck earlier this weeking reading an interview with a hard-driving, cool-rocking CEO in his late 40ies: questioned about his wheels he answered: "driving a VW 4x4with a heavy engine, and seeing it as my contribution to fighting climate change..." The guy obviously is meant to hit some tree with an attitude somewhere somehow soon. In the meantime, he's allowed to spread his misbelief that he's helping the "planet" by advancing the date by which we, as humanoids, become extinct, that is...the unhappy majority unable to be boarding some Virgin Galactic flight soon.
I was thinking: does the guy have kids? If yes, what kind of legacy does he want to leave for them? Is it a lack of transgenerational solidarity to drive a SUV, or...are you advancing the cause of Mother Earth by helping to extinguish some of the most polluting creatures she's ever created?
You can hardly expect dinosaurs to be held accountable for global warming: all of them farting at the same time would not contribute anything in terms of Kyoto gasses - because -strangely - animal and human produced bodily gasses and emissions do not count...
So, let's all start driving 4x4s instead of these UGLY planet-saving cars. Or bike (just as I did today, to get cost item#3 in daycare)...and get killed by a hysteric 4x4 driving mom with an attitude.
So: instead of free-riding: buy HEAVY Cars (while they last) or invest in some tyre-blowing equipment and armory (take a look at http://www.fnherstal.com/)
I was thinking: does the guy have kids? If yes, what kind of legacy does he want to leave for them? Is it a lack of transgenerational solidarity to drive a SUV, or...are you advancing the cause of Mother Earth by helping to extinguish some of the most polluting creatures she's ever created?
You can hardly expect dinosaurs to be held accountable for global warming: all of them farting at the same time would not contribute anything in terms of Kyoto gasses - because -strangely - animal and human produced bodily gasses and emissions do not count...
So, let's all start driving 4x4s instead of these UGLY planet-saving cars. Or bike (just as I did today, to get cost item#3 in daycare)...and get killed by a hysteric 4x4 driving mom with an attitude.
So: instead of free-riding: buy HEAVY Cars (while they last) or invest in some tyre-blowing equipment and armory (take a look at http://www.fnherstal.com/)
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