War: check
Internal policing problems: check
Insecurity on the rise in Western Societies: check
Maffia on the rise: check (see Sicilian wind farms)
Pirates of the Somali coast line: check
Increased population pressure vs limited resources: double-check
"Steeds meer wapenbezit op school": check (DS, 2009(05-08)
"The need for non-lethal weapons is growing: effectivly stop a subject by pain, up until 100m...": check
Global growing insecurity: crashing stock, people loosing a fortune while some guys make a living out of it and...become targets...: check
Government laxness, democratic indecision: check
Growing war-mongering, destabilising regimes, unrest in former 'allied states': check
What the hell are we waiting for? Who could advise against investing in "non or less lethal weaponry"?