
Wishlist: water drones

Ocean-going robotic drones are the next "it" thing,

copyright (url: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3018085/what-these-surfboard-sized-ocean-robots-can-tell-us-about-climate-change?partner=rss#1
Given the vast amounts of unexplored "water" space and the huge needs of solid data, we dare to predict an increase in automated unmanned ocean-going and ocean-diving data-collection and monitoring vessels!
By coincidence, Wired's September  Issue dedicates a full article to giant octopuses - dubbed, intriguingly, the aliens on planet earth....
If we manage to understand how they become "cognoscient", we will be a step closer to the singularity! (for an older article: check this out http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/11/strange-mind-stranger-brain-of-the-octopus/)