
Michael Moore's Blog & More of the same sauce

The guy is blogging at last....

Anyway, Fahrenheit 911 review:
- scary movie, a bit on the demagogic side evidently, but yet a true classic. Schoolkids all over the world should see it. And their parents, and the dictators who screw them over..

as for the influencing of the outcome of the elections in the USA later this year:
M.Moore's movie might help to topple Bush, but beware non-US citizens, with Kerry, it will be more of the same, but with kinder words, Ketchup's sauce along the following lines:

Bush - Texan BBQ style sauce: We're gonna invade you mothafuckers... Bring'em on, LEt's roll, we'll hang'em high... (after scary look in the camera then turns 90° and mutters to cameras ... "now watch this swing"....)

Kerry-Curry and Ketchup from a vegetarian politically correct NYC healthhouse: Can we please invade you and get you to taste the wonders of ketchup?... No, okay: then we're gonna bomb you back to the fucking stone age, I'm a 'Nam Soldier, man, I saw to many of my friends die, so that I won't stand American interests being harmed....

"Encore un de ces riches élitistes de gauche du Massachusetts qui prétend être un homme du peuple ! Impayable !" - Le Monde
In the same article: Kerry is denounced as a member of the Skulls and Bones society...

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