
listening to:
Craig Armstrong & Bono: Stay (faraway so close) - reprise from the 90ies version
Afroman: Before I got high!

reading: Zadie Smith: White Teeth & A. Finkielkraut: L'imparfait du présent
Europees Parlement stemt in met inperking privacyregels
Italië vraagt toestemming voor het aanleggen van databank met vingerafdrukken van alle migranten
Belgische Staatsveiligheid krijgt meer middelen.

3 artikels uit de Standaard van vandaag.
Drie artikels die ons eigenlijk niet zouden mogen verontrusten.
Drie artikels die de vinger aan de pols van onze beschaving leggen.

Informeer uzelf, want binnenkort weten anderen (overheid, banken, werkgevers en verenigingen) meer over uw persoonlijke levenssfeer dan U voor mogelijk hield. Geen nood tot paniek, maar wel nood aan legitieme reflectie!


Performing Arts:
Anne-Teresa De Keersmaeker & Rosas: contemporary dance:: 20 years of investigative movements into reality.

A packed "Théâtre de la Ville" enjoyed the now-already classic performance of RAIN by 10 pupils of ATDK.
Rosas on tour to celebrate 20 incredible years. A dream come true for a young aspiring dancer.
An hour and a half of instant bliss and expression that knocks your socks off. Dancing is a difficult code to break! But the intensity speaks for itself. You wonder how they are able to memorize the whole chain of movements and where the get the mental and physical courage to master this incredibly complicated choreography.
Only smiling faces yesterday evening as the crowd dispersed into the Parisian night.

check out their curriculum @
-> www.rosas.be
¤ Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? ¤
Watching the watchdogs: next June 3rd

related links:
-> www.eff.org
-> www.epic.org
An interesting article: Jihad vs. McWorld


¤¤¤ sites of the day ¤¤¤
:: the institute for the future...:: where there was an article on turning consumers into marketeers/advertisers !

Consumerism is a way of life... We should be aware of what is going on...


een rare wereld...

Russische communisten en nationalisten ervaren vooral de toetreding van de Baltische ex-Sovjetstaten als een ware kaakslag voor de grootmacht die Rusland ooit was. Ook de Amerikaanse president George Bush is er erg op gebrand de koude oorlog te begraven ten voordele van een nieuwe agenda: die van de strijd tegen het internationale terrorisme.

uit De Standaard Snelnieuws (28 mei 2002 @ 1400)

commentaar: zou het dan toch zo zijn dat er bepaalde "oorlogen" artificieel in stand worden gehouden: checks "n" balances..., om de aandacht af te leiden van...
Ja van wat eigenlijk?
En in diezelfde lijn: waarom laat de "internationale gemeenschap" - als die al bestaat natuurlijk - toe dat miljarden mensen in mensonwaardige omstandigheden leven.... zonder zuiver water of sanitaire voorzieningen.... (meer hierover morgen)?
Scheduled ***site maintenance & overhaul ***notice: Sub-versive & conform-mystik

all pages on wacondah.com (except those for private use) have been disabled. Access is no longer provided from the index.htm & html files.
A major site overhaul is long overdue and the efforts to strive for consumer satisfaction push us to take down obsolete (des)information.
In the process of developping new tools, nav-structures and *content*, the only page that remains "as is" is the Blog from Paris, enabling us to push-button publish without going through the hassle of ftp or remote access balastical problems.
wacondah.com will be back online en bonne et due forme in 1 month: deadline for grand re-opening June 29th 2002 @ 2100.

you can sign up for the mailing list here or by mailing to info@wacondah.com
you can also visit our partner in crime on http://www.worldpeaceradio.com/
Server humor... from a so called mailer-daemon

64.4.x.7 does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Giving up on 64.4.x.7.

quite absurd
Listening to: Massive Attack: Protection - a true classic ;-)
Reading: Stefan Zweig: "Meisternovellen" & Montaigne
Playing: F. Mendelsohn-Bartoldy: Lieder ohne Wörte #1
Travelling & not collecting mileage (there is, unfortunately, no Thalys frequent traveller program): from Gare du Midi to Gare du Nord
Last scenic Drive: Bxl -> Sart-lez-Spa
Site of the Week: Book X'ing
Last movie: Bridget Jones' Diary: mixed feelings before viewing it, hilarious fun


In het kader van duurzame ontwikkeling, zou het geen slecht idee zijn om de "armen" te laten verdwijnen. Zij overbevolken toch de vochtige warme en vervuilde gebieden, die moeten gesaneerd worden.
genoteerd als grap (voor alle duidelijkheid)

"I don't know how the 3rd World War will be fought,
but the 4th will be fought with sticks and stones..."
A. Einstein

"The planet doesn't care whether rainforests live or die...
Only humans do"
There are no stupid questions: only stupid answers...


networking in the year 2002: read this article...

0800 zulu time

Sleep, cold sleep, cold sleep, cold sleep,
Only to wake up with a smile
And the heart leaps from way down deep.
Everything will be okay, all right.
Just smile! Don't utter a word,
The look in your eyes speaks thousands of words
And the one soul understands.

Een koude bodem die jou vult met angst, vol van
Levenslust die net openbloeit.
Kou die alles vangt, maar niet definitief en dus tevergeefs, want ...
Een hand en een stem, en je wordt weer jezelf.


Reading between the lines is the challenge.
The unspoken, the unwritten, the unsaid,....
yet understood.

RER E: Gare du Nord/Magenta to Gare St Lazare/ Haussman:

de trein spuwt een worm van mensen, die allemaal nors proberen zich zo snel mogelijk een weg te banen door de poorten van een ondergronds station. Geen doorkomen aan, een fout om de roltrappen te nemen, leidt snel tot een chaos van jewelste. Niemand kijkt opzij, valt er iemand, dan gaat de stroom eromheen, kolkend als een kei in de rivier die wordt voortgerold. Aan de controlehekken is het duwen en trekken. De meest sportieve commuters springen erover. Oh wee als je bagage meesleurt, oh wee als je treuzelt, je krijgt een lading verwensingen naar je hoofd geslingerd.
En dan, dan is de verpeste lucht van de bovenstad een verademing.

Een glimlach om zoveel drukte, om zoveel stress, en dat al van bij het begin van de werkweek. Je zou er haast al je energie aan verknallen.

Vertel hoe je reist, vertel hoe je je verplaatst, en men zal kunnen afleiden wie je bent.

"Vivre à la campagne, ça implique quand même une diminution de ta qualité de vie..."


Variations on the word Sleep
- Margaret Atwood

I would like to watch you sleeping,
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you,
sleeping. I would like to sleep
with you, to enter
your sleep as its smooth dark wave
slides over my head

and walk with you through that lucent
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves
with its watery sun & three moons
towards the cave where you must descend,
towards your worst fear

I would like to give you the silver
branch, the small white flower, the one
word that will protect you
from the grief at the center
of your dream, from the grief
at the center. I would like to follow
you up the long stairway
again & become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands
to where your body lies
beside me, and you enter
it as easily as breathing in

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
For knowledge itself is power.
(Sir Francis Bacon)
nemo me impune laccessit

and other assorted latin sayings....
Sit vis vobiscum
May the Force be with you...


"Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him."
- Aldous Huxley
"Ed was aware of how "wonderfully" everyone thought he had "coped" with what had happened to him. Of how impressed they were with his "bravery" and "constant high spirits". Ed could have simply collapsed in a heap and sobbed all day long. He knew that his greatest ennemy wasn't his blindness. After all, he'd discovered at an early age that his body could let him down. No, dispite all the grim jokes, he knew that his greatest ennemy was self-pity...
He'd lost his sight, but not his insight, nor - miraculously - his self-esteem"

[p. 196, The Smoke Jumper - by N. Evans]

The important things in life never happen by accident, ...
or do they?
But even with those things that are meant to be,
sometimes you have to wait a while,
and then... give 'em a little nudge!
¤¤ Morpheus...
"I believe it is our faith to be here...
it is our destiny.
I believe this night holds for each and everyone of us
the meaning of our lives. This is a war and we are soldiers.
What if tomorrow this war could be over?
Isn't that worth fighting for?
Isn't that worth dying for?

(Rage against the machine music picks up...)

Matrix Reloaded teaser available @ What is the Matrix


"Le coeur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connait pas"

Tonight @ 2100 PST the Teaser for The Matrix Reloaded will be aired...

"I know you're out there, I can feel you now..."

"Fortune favors the brave, and god looks after the fools"


Tomorrow is Election Day in the Netherlands.

Expected: a landslide and shocking result that will electricize the rightside of the political spectrum across Europe, just as the FN did in France 10 days ago.
Yet it is still too soon for analysis.

Well, let us just say this: in September 2001, we posted our first blog as an outcry against violence and hatred. Please stay tuned for more insights!

"I do not know how the 3rd World War will be fought....
But the 4th will be fought with sticks and stones..."
reading: The Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans

Book starts off really slowly and halfway through you almost put it down, then you suddenly realize: sometimes it's worth reading something that comes nowhere near the great Prousts or Pasternaks or Poes. Bottom line: sometimes you have to respect the work, the craft, and EVANS has that gift. He proved it in the Horse Whisperer, but now he relies on old-fashioned and tested structures. But that's okay. In order to appreciate the things of beauty, being receptive to everyhting else will get you a long way. We cannot expect only the best, we can strive for it, yet never attain it. So: it's a good read, nothing more, and you're not wasting your time in front of the T.V. at least...

If you have time in Paris: check
- Thomas EAKINS (Musée d'Orsay)
- MONDRIAN: the early works (Musée d'Orsay)
- La révolution surréaliste (Centre Pompidou)

And stay a friday night to go rollerblading along the Seine Quais...


quote of the decade::
PVDR: "Ik pak mijnen hemel op aarde... Als er toch nen hemel is, hebt ge d'er twee, als er gene is, hebt ge'm al gehad"


Site of the day: KARTOO
m'illumino d'immenso

Je m'éblouis d'infini.

In these days of violence and anger, of war and hate, of darkness, obsession and futile information,
it is a pleasure to cherish the garden of RODIN in Paris, to walk along the Seine Quais and to observe mankind in its activities. Heightened senses after a morning jog around the Tour Eiffel and an early may outside breakfast start of the day with smell of roses in the air, and the sounds of little birds that wake you at 5 o'clock in the morning.
Thinking back now, all these years, you wonder how far and long ago you have to reach, to find this peace of mind and fullness of life. But that is not necessary anymore.
The everlasting now...