
50 Movies That All Guys Should See Before They Die

50 Movies That All Guys Should See Before They Die - A Modern Guide

Reading: The Ruins (soon to be a major blockbuster movie?)
Viewing: Star Wars (but fell asleep halfway through, chronic fatigue)
Listening to: Daft Punk
Thinking: Damn, I've still got to run 15k before Sunday...
Travelling: soon to UFA, capital of the Bashkortostan Republic

Techno for Kids

Vandaag speciaal voor die jonge ouders die begot nie weten wat aangevangen op een druilerige vakantiedag!

- http://techno.wikispaces.com/
- www.technotkeek.be
- www.klasse.be/ouders


Wie gelooft die mensen nog?

Heden op de radio: Bart Somers becommentarieert de "regeringsverklaring", die in de maak is en dringend af moet, daar Leterme binnenkort het roer over neemt:

B. Somers - "het zal geen écht regeringsakkoord zijn, want op 10 dagen was er niet genoeg tijd om in de details te treden"

Hoe zoe? geen tijd, en wat zijn die mannen al 9 maanden aan het doen? de anti-politiek aan 't voeden, me dunkt...
Geen tijd: if they'd be working in the private sector...


Global Sanitation Fund launched

Press Release

Forty percent of the world’s population - 2.6 billion people - do not have access to basic sanitation. The Millennium Development Goal target of halving the number of people without access to sanitation is the furthest from being achieved. However, the estimated annual cost for attaining this goal is only $9.5 billion. If sustained, the same investment could ensure basic sanitation for the whole world in one or two decades. To help reach this target, the WSSCC is launching the Global Sanitation Fund, one of the major initiatives of the International Year of Sanitation 2008.

7(+) List of Deadly sins

The Vatican has (unilaterally) and (without consultation with the constituency) updated the list of 7 DEADLY SINS (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride) as follows:

The New Mortal Sins

1.) genetic modification

2.) carrying out experiments on humans

3.) polluting the environment

4.) causing social injustice

5.) causing poverty

6.) becoming obscenely wealthy

7.) taking drugs

and... as a sidenote, released the Automobile Driver's 10 Commandments (!)
The "Drivers' Ten Commandments"

1.) You shall not kill.

2.) The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.

3.) Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.

4.) Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.

5.) Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.

6.) Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.

7.) Support the families of accident victims.

8.) Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.

9.) On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.

10.) Feel responsible toward others.


Only in Belgium

1 of the 6 reasons to invest in Belgium: "the intelligent tax system"


9/11 - the truth is out there

Jacht versus Vogelbescherming: JEP veroordeelt Rodts & Co

De Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen probeert op een "vernederende" manier leden te ronselen. Als weidelijk jager en natuurliefhebber voel ik me dan ook persoonlijk aangesproken door de onderstaande clip. De JEP - Raad voor ethische praktijken in de reclame - heeft beslist om de spot uit de ether te halen (zie besluit op deze link). Toch blijft Youtube meedraaien in propaganda: oordeel zelf:

uittreksel uit de argumentatie:

De Jury is dan ook van oordeel dat deze spots:
kleinerend overkomen door de jagers in diskrediet te brengen ( vermaak jagers wordt op overdreven wijze uitvergroot waardoor de jagers in het belachelijke worden getrokken);
stereotypes en vooroordelen tav jagers bestendigen die indruisen tegen de maatschappelijke evolutie mbt wildbeheer en aanvaard gedrag van jagers, en derhalve stigmatiserend overkomen;


2008 - International Year of Sanitation / World Water & Sanitation Day 2008

Reading: Ten things you should know about Sanitation
Viewing: http://esa.un.org/iys/
Listening to: DAFT PUNK - Alive 2007: "Around the world, Harder Better"
Thinking: 20k in May - how the hell am I going to run 15k every 3 days...
Travelling: from Cotonou,Benin to London, UK

SANITATION Blog by Prof. Duncan MARA

S a n i t a t i o n: "S a n i t a t i o n
Personal and fairly maverick views on how international sanitation targets can be achieved"