
Oh, just another little thing or 3 about the view the French have of the Belgians:

- the only thing we EVER eat is steak + fries + MAYO + BEER (lots of it); so I try to get them to stick to the image, because everybody knows that Belgian Cuisine is actually a lot better than the French would dare to admit.
- they love our beer, in fact every bar serves LEFFE around here, and STELLA is on TAP in half-liters
- Brussels is the Capital of Europe..., yeah right, but since it's now officially the BANLIEUE of PARIS (by THALYS), the French are happy.
- the same goes for LONDON: it is the financial capital of Europe, but by EUROSTAR it also became one of the BANLIEU'xsss.... so the french are happy
- so in fact PARIS is nothing else than a museum with a lot of banlieu's attached to it by some sort of railway...
- but on the other hand, when the french have a problem with a ring of child molesters in the Pas de Calais region: they IMMEDIATELY call it a FRANCO - BELGIAN network...
The French never STEAL public monney, they just find it in big suitcases sitting in their offices,
And The Belgians are absolute Robbers, and the Palermo of the NORTH is CHARLEROI, just like Bruges is the sinking Venice of the swamp (or something like that)
Belgians are RICH, because they can afford themselves twice the French number of Cabinet ministers/1000 inhabitants,
so the French are actively preparing to run over the country....
Belgium IS a French department; people even speak French there, and there is cultural protection for the other languages (just like for the Langue d'Oil, the Bretons,...), the code napoleon is the juridic basis of the belgian's department's law system, and they had FRANCS, and now EUROS.
And even old Jules César (who by the by était français) called the Belgians the fiercest tribe of all GAULES (the present day Renchman), like in Charles de Gaulle...

etcetera ad infinitum