
"The sustainable world will be a world of social and technological innovations, experimentation, high transparancy, and a fully interconnected community, a world in which agreements are reached through mediation, and with respect for civil rights. In this world, NGOs, governements, concerned consumers and businesses would act as partners. Thanks to dialogue and mutual respect, contiuous environmental and social values will be incorporated into market mechanisms..."
"We are at an essential moment in human history, for the first time, we are widely aware that our day-to-day decisions have the power to destroy our own habitat, the Earth..."

- 2 quotes from M. Gorbachev: President of Green Cross International

This made me think of the scene in the Matrix, where this sentient computer programme is explaining to T.Anderson what the world became...
Scary right... If you think about it, everything around us can in one way or another be related to the Matrix...
Or to David Lynch.
Saw Blue Velvet last night, and was shocked to see the same images as in Lost Highway... That haunting dark road, with the yellow lines snaking over it, whoah...
So Mulholland Drive is next...

More information:
daily per capita use of water
North America 350liters
Europe 200liters
Sub Sahara 0 - 20 liters

Metro Advertisement: Une force mystérieuse me pousse vers un but que j'ignore...
And you see this peregrine falcon flying over the mountains, it makes you wonder

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mais en tout cas;
"les horodateurs du quartier sont tous pêtés (sic)..."

Some days, you just discover too many mysterious messages

over & a domani